‘Authenticity’ is a word that makes no promises about performance. It might not necessarily involve beauty, but it does suggest an irresistible combination of sincerity with authority. In the world of mass-produced objects, these are highly desirable qualities. Even if they are slippery and hard to define, grasping them is essential to an understanding of the nature of design.

havuzum su tutmuyor // the pool who hates water

ready to host water-resistance-lympics

ready to host water-resistance-lympics

Rize’de yaklaşık 2 milyon lira ödenerek yarı olimpik bir havuz yapılmış. Havuzun yapıldığı yer ise çöp dolgusuyla kazanılmış. Yandaki yoldan geçen araçların yarattığı titreşim (burayı anlamadım) dolayısıyla havuz sürekli su kaçırıyormuş. Gerçekten harika.

This half-olympic pool in Northeastern Anatolia (Rize), which have cost around 1 million us dollars, was built on a space created with garbage filling (?). But because of the vibrations the passer-by vehicles create (?) it is constantly leaking water. Beautiful idea, perfect execution.